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Monday, January 28, 2013

Life does not go as planned...

Dear fellow readers,

Many of you know what traveling means to me. In fact wrote a trilogy on following dreams not that long ago. Sadly, many people do have broken dreams from time to time. I only know too well of that feeling.

A broken dream is worse than a broken heart for many reasons. It strips you of hope. It leaves you feeling without purpose, without a sense of self. Broken hearts are easily mended with the help of friends, work, and everyday life. Oftentimes those things make dealing with a broken dream much worse.

People don't understand what a personal dream can mean to that individual. Going through everyday life loses significance because the dream behind it all is gone. Work, well, work becomes harder and more stressful as time goes on.

I was unable to go to Costa Rica. I was turned away at the gate. There isn't much worse than that.

Sure, it could have been avoided with some additional documentation had I been aware of it. I might have gotten through with more money if I had it. But the fact is it did not work out that way and now I have to cope with the loss.

People who don't understand the importance of a dream brush off those who have suffered with a broken dream. Even worse than that are the people who suffer from a broken dream and give up.

I am here today telling all of you that I am DOWN but I am NOT OUT.

I'm sick of limitations. I'm furious at those who limit themselves. Suffering heartbreak and loss is part of life. How we handle it determines our happiness and satisfaction. I don't care if you're 23 or 53. You can dust yourself off and begin anew. Learn from what has been given to you good or bad.

This doesn't mean I'm not terribly upset over this. I am. And there is a time for grieving. But I will travel again. I will make the most out of this situation. I could give up, very easily in fact. But I refuse to let it happen to me.

I will not let the world suck me up and spit me out like it has to so many other people. People dwell on loss and negativity too much today. I will prevail!

And so, I'm going to give everyone a top 10 list of things to do (or at least I like to do) when you're feeling broken in some way. None of these items will include eating a pint of ice cream. That may make you feel good at first but it'll make you feel bad later. These are good things.

Holly's Top Ten List of Healthy Mood Boosters
1a) Children's Movie Marathon! (I recommend: Enchanted, any Disney/Pixar movie, Aladdin, Tangled, The Lion King, etc.)
1b) Musical Marathon! Whether it's just music from movies or watching the movies themselves, it's always fun to sing along. (I recommend: The Sound of Music, Les Mis, Mamma Mia!, Chicago (awesome movie), Hairspray, etc.)
1c) Go to the movies by yourself. Yup, by yourself. Look at the movie listing and just pick something out. Sit in a theater and forget the world. Watch the credits too!
2) Go for a walk/hike. Make sure it'll be at least an hour.
3) Visit an animal shelter. What could be more spirit lifting than spending time with animals who have it worse than you? (Maybe you'll adopt one!)
4) Cook something. Not bake, cook. Go pull out an old recipe from your past, look up a new one, or just make something up. Cooking is stress relieving.
5) Pick up a book. Read a novel you've loved in the past, pick up a new one or even listen to an audiobook. You know what's a great place? THE LIBRARY!
6) Print out a coloring page. Yes, even if you're in your 40's and say you're too old for this. Go to Google images and type in "___ coloring page". Fill in the blank with whatever topic you'd like. Then FRAME IT.
7) Craft something. Crochet a teddy bear. Knit a hat. Make your own book. Go to your local craft or hobby store and do something new (or old) and fun!
8) Go for a drive. Doesn't even have to be a planned drive. Just get in your car and go. Anywhere. If you can afford it, pick up a cheap hotel room somewhere for a night.
9) Plant something. Even if it's a small indoor garden. Even if it's just seeds from an apple you ate and pulled dirt from your backyard. You'll be surprised at how uplifting it is to watch something come to life.
10) Plan for something new. Look forward to a new experience. In my case, I want to try to travel again someday. I also plan on being with my fiance more. Move on. It really does help.

For tonight my plan is a healthy does of a children's movie, plus choosing a new book for me and my grandma to read (I recommend any Kate Morton book, but I just finished The Secret Keeper and I loved it! Slow to start but still great). I'm currently reading The Other Boleyn Girl by Philippa Gregory, which I know has been out for a while but I never got around to reading it. It's a big book!

Anyhow, I'm going to start on my personal therapy. I'll be upset for a few days but I will overcome. I always do.

Look for a Squishables post coming soon!

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