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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Picture Day #7 - A Year in Review

A year ago on the 8th I arrived in Munich, Germany for the first time. A year ago on the 4th I had my very first blog entry. Now I know my blog isn't the most updated or read but I have had quite a lot of fun keeping everyone updated on my travels and opinions. And I have a lot of both!
But I'm going to save long talks today and do something a little different. I want to remember the year I had through picture format, with a few new pictures at the end. This past year I have been to Germany, Austria, France, Greece, Canada, and obviously the U.S. (Maine, Missouri [plus all the states from New York to Missouri!], New York, and New Hampshire). I have a new kitty, learned to speak more German, crocheted teddy bears for the first time, spent time growing plants and raising a frog, found out I will be going to Costa Rica, worked at a cat shelter, discovered I love working with older kids, and so much more.

I will be doing a blog post all about what I will be doing in Costa Rica and such but not today. I want to remember this past year and its best memories. I hope you all will enjoy the pictures and I will be writing again soon.

The pond where I adopted Fred der Frosch.
Sledding for the first time with the kids.
May Day celebration down the street from me.
Elephant and Piggie coming to live with me!
The house where I lived.
Heidelberg Castle.
Rathaus in Marienplatz, Munich.
My first crocheted teddy bear.
When I went to the butterfly exhibit at the botanical gardens in Munich.
The Alps near Garmish-Partenkirchen.
All my crazy recipes... I loved my vegetarian reuben!
The English Gardens in Munich.
Athens, Greece... what a wonderful experience.
The Mediterranean Sea... amazing.
Olympiapark, Munich.
When I climbed an Alp. The view is astonishing.
Fred der Frosch shortly before death. I miss you Fred!
Salzburg, Austria was amazing for many things but nothing really compared to me seeing the Sound of Music pavilion. It's a piece of history!
Who could ever forget Paris, France? The Eiffel Tower is so iconic.
So iconic in fact, that hugging it was a must!
My favorite Marlboro sign. It's too bad that I'll never know if they took me up on any of my suggestions...
My very first raw coconut and the Tollwood festival in Munich.
The Japanisches Teehaus was an experience I'll never forget. I love matcha! *twitch*
Although I don't endorse the ownership of dogs, I do miss the children a lot.
The Munich Treasury. So many priceless pieces of history.
Upon coming to Maine, I remembered the chipmunks... and this one had a love of blueberries!
Lake Kezar sunset in Maine. Absolutely breathtaking.
A hike up Mount Sabbatus in Maine in the fall season and you can see amazing colors and mountains.
Indoor rock climbing. I will definitely have to do this again!
The adoption of my kitty Colette was a life changer, not just for me but for my grandparents too!
The arch in St. Louis, MO. Not great quality but a memory still.
My traditional gingerbread house! Although I did add some extra decorations after this picture was taken, this was the best quality picture.
A new friend and I went to the Festival of Lights in Hamburg, NY!
My final picture is one of the Eternal Flame at the end of the Shale Creek hike in Orchard Park, NY. It's my favorite hike in the world. The flame is a natural gas source that is behind the waterfall. It does go out from time to time but can be re-lit!
New information soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!|
    Wonderful blog!!
    May I know which focal leght and camera did you use for the japanese tea room shot?
    Thank you


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