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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Another Pregnancy?!?

Hello world (as they say in computer geek circles),

You may ask what has prompted me to write a blog post after almost two years of neglect. To be honest, I was making notes of my previous cooking dishes and when I started reliving my last pregnancy it made me want to document this next chapter. Yes, that's correct, I'm 26 weeks pregnant with, what appears to be, my second son.

My first son is doing marvellously. Crazy advanced, ridiculously charming, and doing all the typical things an almost two-year-old should do: walking, talking, eating, sleeping, playing, building, and being adorable.

As you all know, I'm very organic and conscious about what is put in my body. I could go on for days about vaccines, floride teeth varnishings, and what people are feeding their kids these days, but I'm thinking about starting a new chapter in my "blogging." I may develop my own website regarding these types of things with a separate website devoted to food. We'll see what happens.

This will be a relatively quick post but some basic information on this pregnancy is required: appears to be male, this pregnancy is way tougher than my first one, and I will be having a repeat c-section.

My general practitioner was an OB for 10 years before switching over and when I told her I was considering a VBAC (vaginal birth after ceserean) she not only seriously advised against it, she told me a horrifying story of a woman who did not live through her attempt of a VBAC. (Her child did, however.) Terrified beyond belief, I decided that although everyone is different, and each case is different, my specific set of circumstances with my first child, namely the large head, indicates that a c-section is far safer. My fiance's mother had the same issue with him during his birth and I understand her second son (apparently his genetics are overpowering mine here) had a very large head as well. She therefore went through two c-sections, as I will end up doing.

The combination of the rough pregnancy I've been having with the repeat c-section I'll have to have makes it highly unlikely that I'll want to try for a third child. I did want two because I felt only one would be lonely, but a third child would terrify me at this point. I would love a girl, but it may not be meant to be.

To quickly state why this pregnancy has been so difficult is pretty easy actually: my stomach. I was absolutely horribly nauseous the first almost four months, now nothing seems to want to completely agree with me, and worse still the heartburn is starting to set in. Stress over our living situation, finances, everybody's health, and making sure everything works smoothly is not helping. Other than my stomach, the rest of me isn't doing too bad. My back hurts a bit and I get the occasional heart palpitation, but my stomach really makes life difficult.

I could go on for a while but I really should take a break. I'll cover more another time. Have a good day!


  1. So glad you are back blogging! Keep them coming :)

  2. So glad you are back blogging! Keep them coming :)


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